Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tabescapes and discounts...

The other day I posted a entry about tablescapes which you can find  here and a website I found called linen lovers. That same day I had wrote the company e-mail address that I had found on their site to tell them how much I love the site and about my blog entry on their company. Who doesn't want to know when someone is saying something nice about them right? Well, to my happy surprise I got a replay e-mail back from the president Sue Nevens. She is kind enough to offer a discount to the readers of my blog and my friends- this means you! here is a copy of the e-mail that she sent me:

Dear Erica,

It was so nice to hear from you and to learn how much you like our website, Linen Lovers. We launched our website in December of 2004, hoping to offer all kinds of ideas and helpful advice for those wanting to make an attractive tablescape. I'm SO glad it appeals to you!

I especially want to thank you for taking the time to write such nice things as well on your Blog. I sure hope your readers enjoy browsing thru the website. Soon we will be adding 12 new colors of the Nova line which is one of my favorite fabrics. It's really so gorgeous; we're very proud of it. I hope you will sign up to be on the membership list so we can send you notices from time to time.

As a special thank you for your time and interest, I'd like to offer you and your friends a special introductory offer of 5% off any order which will expire April 1, 2011.

We always offer 10% discounts whenever you order 3 or more items at one time. The only exclusions are yardage and swatches.That means a total of a 15% discount when ordering more than 3 items.

We'll call the code LLVSR (for Linen Lovers Visser!).....hope you like having a code named after you!

Again, many, many thanks for your interest in Linen Lovers. I hope to hear from you again!

Sue Nevens
Linen Lovers

Thank you Sue, for the wonderful e-mail. Yes, I am very honored to have a code named after me! And did you notice? the code is good for a WHOLE year!! I can't wait to order off of the site with 'my' code!

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