It has been...
A very trying week here at the Visser house hold. Both of my poor sweet kids have been soo very sick. Melessa and Morgan are both sick with a hacking cough and the flu. Melessa missed school from Monday to Thursday and Morgan hasn't had a good nights sleep in days. I haven't either for that matter. Morgan has been up every night this week with a fever, cough, drinks of water, and body aches. I am soo very thankful that Melessa takes care of herself for the most part after bedtime, I only have to help her out when she is throwing up. I feel for all those parents out there that have mulitiple births. Here is a 'AWESOME JOB!' to you! I can hardly imange what it would be like to be up with 2 or 3, 3year olds this sick all night long all week. I think I might loose my mind! hahaha
But other then that nothing much going on here, just tissues, cough drops, and lots of water drinking!