Love Edy
Author: Shewanda Pugh
{A Book Review}
I had the honor of getting to read and review the book
Love Edy written by Shewanda Pugh. I wasn't to sure I was going to like it when I started reading, not because it wasn't a good book but because I thought I might be a little old for it- it seemed like more of a teen romance novel then one for someone in the above 25 range, but I ended up really liking this book! The book is well written and although at times it seems to jump a little it never really loses you and there isn't a point where you are so lost you don't understand what is going on.
Here is a little about the story:
The story is about a young girl {Edy} and boy{ Hassan}, raised so close they could be brother and sister, in many ways they are like brother and sister. Him, always looking out and protecting her. Her always keeping him out of trouble. Until one day she realizes that she wants him to be more then a best friend and confidant. She has fallen in love with him, maybe she always has been on love with him and it's just now coming to the forefront of her heart. But does she let him know? Does she risk all that they have as the closest and best of friends? And what if he doesn't feel the same way? Things would never be the same between them again... Could she handle that?
He has always been her shoulder to cry on, her protector, her bestest friend. He is thrown into the jock lime light with just one single game. Now there are girls calling and throwing them selves at him all the time. He is a big part of the IT crowd and is known by everyone in the school as their football hero. But it doesn't matter to him, he would give it all up for her in a single second if he could have her. His future has already been promised to another, his parents being immigrants from India,and sticking with tradition, they have already choose his wife. Does he risk all that is at stake and tell her that he loves her? Is it worth the heart break that might follow if she rejects him?
There were moments in this book that I wanted to just slap the characters, yell at them that they should just TALK honestly TALK to each other, but I think that is just the Mom coming out in me! Ha ha! But then if that happened there would be no drama and no book! HA! And beside have you ever known a high school student- boy or girl that didn't have a little drama in their life? I haven't met one yet! The story is a good one, there are moments when you think all hope is lost for these two, moments when you want to shout out in joy for them, and moments you want to slap them. I don't quit know how I feel about the ending. I feel that it's a little cut off. Kind of like the cliff hanger you are always left with when a season of your favorite T.V. show is over. When the next book comes out I plan on reading it just so I know what happens! Over all it's a good book I think for someone 16 or older. Someone that will understand about the sexual pressures they have to deal with, the coming of age, and what it's like having to deal with all of it while trying to find your self and figure out who you are. This will be a book that I plan on saving for my daughter {who is currently 13} to read when she is old enough, I think she will enjoy it.
I give it 5 stars over all.
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Book Information:
Love Edy Published by Razor’s Edge
1st Printing Razor’s Edge: trade paperback, June 24, 2014
Printed in the United States of America
All rights reserved worldwide
Copyright © 2014 Shewanda Pugh
ISBN: 0692027149 ISBN-13: 978-0692027141
Cover art by Claudia McKinney
Book design by Ian Thomas Healy
*an e-reader copy of this book was given to me in exchange for my honest review