A Review
We all have it, some more then others and if you are anything like me the sound of being able to take a body dip on Nair is like a dream come true... and I mean me what I really mean is dipping myself
and my amazing husband. I hate body hair, I see no reason for any hair on your body that is lower then your eyebrows and if your a guy some in your armpits.
My favorite? Swimmers body.. you know what I'm talking about... completely hairless Oh yeah baby! HA HA
Here is the thing about my amazing husband.. he has crazy sensitive facial skin, so when he shaves with a blade that is going to give him a super close completely kissable shave he gets these painful nasty little ingrown hairs on his jawline and chin. And I always feel so bad for him, so he has just gotten to the point where he shaves but doesn't shave super close/ all the way down. And the ingrown hairs stopped and he was much happier, which in turn makes me much happier.
And then we/he had the pleasure of being able to do a review for ShaveMob.
If your anything like well.. most people, the amount of money that we throw into paying for blades all the time is ridiculous. Yes, they work and do as they say they will {kinda}but there has been more then one time where I thought " The reason why the Duck Dynasty men have so much money is because they don't spend money on razors!"
I mean come on, think about it.. a box of replacement men's blades is anywhere from $15.00 to almost $40.00! And that is for 4 to 6 blades that don't really last all that long, if you do what I do and tend to 'borrow' them and shave your legs with hubby's razor then they dull out even faster.
Here is just one of the many great things about the razors at ShaveMob, they don't dull out like name brand blades do! Seriously! Mike used the same blade for WEEKS before even thinking about replacing it, and he didn't even know that within that time I had used it to shave my legs several times, and I think my daughter might have borrowed it a time or two to shave her legs as well and ladies...
BY FAR the nicest, smoothest, closest shave I have ever gotten and the best part...
NO SHAVE ITCH after! No little red bumps, to overly feeling of dry skin, just silky smooth legs ... every SINGLE time.
I mean; you can feel like your on top of the world when your legs are all smooth and extra pretty!
They even carry women's blades but I haven't tried them out yet but I plan on placing an order soon.
So enough about how awesome-ly wonderful
I think these blades are here is what a man has to say about them.
Here is what Mike told me about the razors:
" Seeing that there are 6 blades at first I was a little worried about there being a ton of ingrown hairs and it tearing my skin up. The first couple of shaves did give me ingrown hairs but just 2 in the same spots that I have always had them, so I don't think it had much to really do with the blades themselves but more of just shaving there all the way down in the first place. BUT they came out MUCH faster ( within the day it happened) and healed faster as well and there was really no pain along with them, in fact I hardly even noticed them at all. After those first two shaves no problems at all, the shave is super close, closer then what I think I have had before. the blade is longer in length then what I am use to with my Mach3, so it's a little harder to get around places like the underside of my nose you need to blow it out a little more, but who cares? Well that was until I realized that there was a trimmer on the back of the blades... then everything was super easy! The blades were even sent with a handle, which has a nice even weight to it. I was/still am in Shocked at how long the sharpness of the blades last, I shave almost everyday, being a fire fighter I am expected to keep a clean and professional appearance and having a clean shaven face can one day save my life or even someone else's... since with a clean shaven face my SCBA mask (Self Contained Breathing Apprentice) keeps a tighter hold on my face. And with these blades I don't have to shave as often either. With my Mach3 I was having to shave 2-3 times a day to keep my self 'clean' with the ShaveMob razors I shave once in the mornings or even the night before and I am good to go for 24 hours or pretty close to it. And as an added bonus when I had military weekend not to long ago I was able to shave twice in 3 days and keep up to the standard in which I am suppose to. While out on a training weekend in the mud and muck, in the middle of the forest I didn't have to worry about keeping my face shaven because I had my ShaveMob with me. I shaved once when I got there before we went out and once in the am on the last training day, that was it. My face looked cleaner then any of the other guys I was with that weekend as well. I am now a fan for life of ShaveMob I will be putting in my own personal order soon and plan on always ordering from them from now on."

My advice is not to waste any more money on those other razor blades head on over to ShaveMob today and put your order in! Not only will you...
Nick Yorchak Co-Founder |
- Save up to 70% {YES 70%!!} over those other razors
- If you are in the military you could also get up to a 10% discount on your order as well.
- There is no monthly membership,
- No shipping in the continuous United States,
- All the packaging is 100% recycled and low impact.
Zach Randall Co-Founder |
They even have ways of earning free razors..
When you do order {because your smart and you know it's the smart thing to do} I would love to know what you think about these razors and so would ShaveMob so let us know by tweeting about it with the hashtag
So what are you waiting for?! Go place your order now!
Here is your link hook up:
* We received a free shipment of the Caveman 6 blade razor with handles in return for our honest review and opinion, all opinions are ours and have not been influenced in anyway*