Victoria Children Chart
This chart is super cute, there are 8 'parts' to the chart and a sticker with a 'chore' like task to go on them. Like working on math or spelling. Or you can write in your own, like since my son dresses himself and that is one of the stickers I added I did my daily chores to the chart instead of getting dressed. There are number stickers and star stickers as well so that you can keep track in a month how often they did what was on the chart. The chart also acts like a white board and you can use the enclosed marker to make notes, add rewards, etc. to the chart.
I added that if he did 2 weeks worth of chores with out being told and did them well he could have an extra afternoon at video games { HUUUUGE deal in our house}.
I think if you have a child that needs reminding of what they should be doing on a daily or even weekly basis this is a great chart to have!
Here is what the company has to say:
My Growing Up Reward Chart
~~A large reward chart and re-usable stickers to help encourage positive behavior, achievement and development in children from 4 years. Ideal for supporting children of elementary school age.
Most importantly, parents can customize this chart to the individual need of their child.
Each pack contains:
• A Large Wall Chart (11 inches wide by 25 inches high) to hang in a central point to monitor progress.
• 10 x Activity Stickers which cover the following activities: I enjoyed school, I’ve been kind to someone, I dressed myself, I practiced my reading, I’ve eaten my food, I practiced my math, I’ve written and drawn, I practiced my spellings, I’ve been good at bedtime and I’ve been polite.
• 6 x Blank Activity Stickers that can be customized to the individual needs of your child.
• 240 Colored 1-20 Stickers designed to help with learning colors and counting.
• 84 Gold ‘Great Job’ Star Stickers for when your child does exceptionally well.
• A Supportive Information Sheet with a practical example, tips and guidelines to help you and your child get the best results from your chart.
• Sticky mounting pads and a dry-erase marker.
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